Violet Ray
Vibrational Essence - Divine Healing Liquid
Path to Self-Realization: joy
Primary Spiritual Goal: freedom, abundance
Positive Mental Attributes: detachment, centeredness, fairness
Positive Emotional Attributes: responsive, fortunate, inclusive
Negative Mental Attributes: attachment, worry, projection
Negative Emotional Attributes: fear and despondency, defeatism
Symbols: iris, angel
Power Animal: bear
Musical Note: ti
Body Organs: adrenal glands (endocrine)
Planet: Jupiter
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Material: clay
Numbers: 3, 10, 17
Violet-ray people who have found their own values are wise. They
take their time, get to know people gradually, and are often loyal.
They like to work with symbols and make good psychologists or
mathematicians. They also tend to stay in positions for the long haul
and become managers or owners of real estate or other stable
businesses. They will always choose their circumstances carefully and
are tolerant and patient when life is well stabilized. When they find
their center, violet-ray people can be charming, even charismatic.
When they have found an inner sense of joy, they can weather any
storm. If they can learn detachment from their own strong symbols
and ideals, deep joy and freedom can be developed. Only through
detachment will violet-ray people find wholeness or a feeling of being
at home within themselves. They must learn balance and develop
integrity before they can allow anyone else what is necessary for
growth, otherwise, they may continually fight or rebel, cutting all ties
or trying to win with control rather than love.
Vibrational Essence - Divine Healing Liquid
Path to Self-Realization: joy
Primary Spiritual Goal: freedom, abundance
Positive Mental Attributes: detachment, centeredness, fairness
Positive Emotional Attributes: responsive, fortunate, inclusive
Negative Mental Attributes: attachment, worry, projection
Negative Emotional Attributes: fear and despondency, defeatism
Symbols: iris, angel
Power Animal: bear
Musical Note: ti
Body Organs: adrenal glands (endocrine)
Planet: Jupiter
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Material: clay
Numbers: 3, 10, 17
Violet-ray people who have found their own values are wise. They
take their time, get to know people gradually, and are often loyal.
They like to work with symbols and make good psychologists or
mathematicians. They also tend to stay in positions for the long haul
and become managers or owners of real estate or other stable
businesses. They will always choose their circumstances carefully and
are tolerant and patient when life is well stabilized. When they find
their center, violet-ray people can be charming, even charismatic.
When they have found an inner sense of joy, they can weather any
storm. If they can learn detachment from their own strong symbols
and ideals, deep joy and freedom can be developed. Only through
detachment will violet-ray people find wholeness or a feeling of being
at home within themselves. They must learn balance and develop
integrity before they can allow anyone else what is necessary for
growth, otherwise, they may continually fight or rebel, cutting all ties
or trying to win with control rather than love.

Liquid gems are available in several sizes including refill bottles
select from the pull down menu your desired bottle type and size
3-5 times a day 7 drops (under the tongue) or
2 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) for healing purposes
and/or 12 drops (under the tongue) or
3 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) before meditation
For Liquids & Sprays:
Give as much time as possible after intake to sit or stand
with closed eyes to feel consciously their vibration unfold
Additional Uses for all liquids and sprays:
Apply directly to pulse points
Apply to acupressure and/or chakra points
Add to massage oils
Add to oil burners
Add to an atomizer or atomizer to add to the air
Add to paint or pottery or other art elements
to infuse the vibration within
3-5 times a day 7 drops (under the tongue) or
2 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) for healing purposes
and/or 12 drops (under the tongue) or
3 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) before meditation
For Liquids & Sprays:
Give as much time as possible after intake to sit or stand
with closed eyes to feel consciously their vibration unfold
Additional Uses for all liquids and sprays:
Apply directly to pulse points
Apply to acupressure and/or chakra points
Add to massage oils
Add to oil burners
Add to an atomizer or atomizer to add to the air
Add to paint or pottery or other art elements
to infuse the vibration within