Collection: Shungite Therapeutic Necklaces

There are basically three qualities (types) of Shungite.
The first quality is not possible to shape into forms because it is too brittle
though it is the highest quality and the most silvery, shimmering one.
The second quality is the highest quality in which beads and spheres can
be made. This quality has a shiny appearance.
The third quality is the most dull looking one and is mostly used for
building materials such as slate tiles.
We have hand selected all our beads and they are the highest quality
possible offering the fullest manifestation of the benefits.
Our Shungite is genuine and comes from the
Zazhoginsky Mine located in the Republic of Karelia
Russia near Shunga village where it gets it name.
How to use Shungite Therapeutic Necklaces...
Shungite necklaces are not just to be put on and forgot about. It is recommended to
ease into wearing them constantly - starting with an hour at a time and increasing as
it suits - staying in tune with it’s effects. It is a wonderful tool as it will keep you in a
field that is constantly in the process of balancing and aligning while correcting all the
harmful influences including EMF.
It is especially powerful healing tool for the ill and those in rehabilitation. Increased
amounts of wearing time can be used as it speeds up the healing process and does not
conflict with other therapies including medications. It acts on the energetic body and
supports everything that is aiding the journey to re-establish health.
Place at least 75-100grams (our 10mm strands would do the trick here) in bathtub for
10 minutes to prepare bath water. Or place 10mm necklace (or two 8mm - needs to
be in the 75-100 grams range) under running water as bathtub fills - needs to be under running water for 5-6 minutes for full activation. Necklace can be attached to faucet with rubber band or held under incoming water. To reap maximum benefits soak in bath for 20 minutes once water is created.
Shungite Water
Use about 100 grams of shungite (a 10mm strand will work or two 8mm strands) to
one liter of water. Let soak in water for three days.
If you are in good health - drink 1 glass a day. Take a week break once a month
If ill or rehabilitating drink 2-3 glasses a day.
Remember it stimulates removal of toxins. It is purifying and regenerative and will
speeds up ALL processes in motion. It is not recommended to take large doses.
Shungite Therapeutic Gemstone Essence
If you are not into creating Shungite Water yourself we have formulated a
concentrated form of the Shungite water. Add 9 drops to 8oz. of water in place of
home made Shungite water to avoid 3 day wait of formulation of water.
This Shungite essence can also be taken 4-7 drops 3-4 times daily.
Our Therapeutic Shungite essence can be found HERE
Shungite Therapeutic Necklaces are recommended not to be worn on
light colored clothing until strand is washed a few times and worn for
awhile. It is possible that through the drill holes some carbon powder is
released. It is best to wear underneath clothing touching the skin. Any
blackish spots, if they happen, are easily washed off the skin.
It has high carbon content and resonates strongly with us since our bodies are carbon-based. One only has to touch this gem and a connection is felt. Humanity is making the transition from carbon-based bodies to crystalline bodies and Shungite supports this transition. It acts as a reset button for our bodies and systems - restoring them to a pristine state making our transition easier on all levels. Our evolution as spiritual beings dwelling in a physical body is fully supported and Shungite is a tangible tool for our actualization.
Shungite is best known as a tool for the physical. It offers prevention and treatment from all diseases and illnesses. It does this by stimulating our own immune system’s defenses and reducing toxicity levels. It’s healing power penetrates to the cellular level removing abnormalities and restoring optimal functioning. It leaves no room for any disharmonies within the physical to exist - creating an atmosphere of good health and well being.
Some of the physical benefits include:
Speeds up healing of wounds Anti-inflammatory Helps reduce hi blood pressure Can be used to treat diabetes Osteoarthritis and joint pain relief Antiviral and antibacterial Is an anti-cancer agent The list could continue to include more specifics but it goes back to the key sentence - Shungite offers prevention and treatment of all diseases and illnesses. It is a powerful healing force that constantly corrects the harmful influences of all kinds. Shungite does not support anything that is not of benefit for us and this extends beyond the physical aspect.
On the mental aspect, it aids in removing thought patterns and forms that hinder us. This includes negativity, judgment, and addictions of all sorts. (Addictions are not limited to substances, drink, and food. We can also be addicted to gadgets, games, drama, altered self-images, etc.)
Shungite also aids the emotional aspect to heal old wounds, overcome experiences of strong emotional impact, grief and denied emotional issues. It also aids in healing the energetic emotional field of rips and tears - restoring and fortifying the field to its original state.
Shungite has a powerful effect on the first chakra. The first chakra is looked upon as the gateway or access point to life force energy. Many have issues here which can be varied in their manifestations. Shungite heals, activates and expands the first chakra enabling life force energy to freely flow and be utilized within all the bodies and systems. Shungite’s powerful influence on the first chakra assists all the chakras - enhancing these gateways and encouraging energetic exchanges of all types as the chakras were designed to do. It helps to align and balance all the chakras with one another for a unified force of cohesive personal power. Through this spiritual pathways can be opened and accessed. Shungite lays the groundwork for preparing the bodies and systems for further expansion including light body activation, initiations, and etheric chakra work.
Whatever dimensional work you choose to explore Shungite provides protection during your travels including psychic protection and entity repulsion. This is especially good for healers of all types as it allows them to stay anchored yet energized while working on clients, family, friends or the earth.
Shungite is also a natural EMF protector. It neutralizes the impact of electromagnetic radiation in all its forms. It is an excellent gem to use during travel as it wards off fatigue and stabilizes the systems. It is particularly helpful on airplanes to combat the energetic disturbances caused by the pressurization. Each gem has it’s unique gifts for us and Shungite is no different.
It will individualize the healing for you and bring untold benefits with consistent use.
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