Collection: Morganite Therapeutic Necklaces

Here at Tools we distinguish the two hues as Pink Morganite and Salmon Pink Morganite.
The Salmon Pink Morganite is considered the more rarer of the two.
- Morganite helps to discover your own strength and courage giving you the fortitude and confidence to keep going regardless of challenges.
- It helps to remove the competitive nature and the mentality
of judging others
- Morganite helps one to reach higher levels of authenticity ridding one of the need to always impress or pretend you are some one you are not.
-It helps you to recognize and align with your unique truth
- Morganite cleanses stresses and anxiety bringing a deeper sense of serenity and peace
- It helps overcome fears, anger and resentment allowing a true healing from old wounds and traumas
-Morganite opens the heart chakra and fortifies the connection to Divine Love
- It helps to receive info from personal guides, guardians, angels or the higher realms - creating a stringer connection to one's own intuitive nature
Morganite is a high-frequency gem whose purpose is to show the path of love in action. Love is a very misinterpreted word on planet Earth. In order to express the love this gemstone works with, it is best to use the phrase "unconditional love". This gem connects one to the source of unconditional love and allows the wearer (or user) to experience this emotion in its purest form. Morganite creates a bridge for the unconditional love frequency enabling this frequency to enter into one's physical being.
The direct path that the majority of beings once had on this planet to this frequency has long been blocked by simple misuse of power (ego). Morganite recreates this bond with this frequency allowing one to live life as it was designed - through the heart. After sharing this explanation, the (Gemstone) Guardian Spirit of Morganite asked me (Sia) "Where do you see unconditional love?" I thought of the image of a mother and child in my mind's eye.
The Guardian Spirit of Morganite then showed how even this did not show the true essence of the unconditional love frequency anymore. The vision expanded out to encompass all of planet Earth showing only here and there a few lights depicting beings holding this frequency in their hearts. This vision gave a clear picture of the current state of planet Earth and it's relation to love. Morganite seems to be really needed for most of humanity.
Pink Salmon Morganite Properties
The Guardian of Salmon Pink Morganite explains...
This color is a bit less common and often is considered rarer of all the Morganite colors.
Besides fulfilling the mission of Morganite these strands tend to be felt more physically initially rather than the etheric/higher effects the pure pink Morganite draws in immediately.
This shade of Morganite helps to merge the heart chakra - our love center - with the third chakra - the ego/will base. Through this merging, one can transform ego issues more quickly and have a more spiritual approach to things transcending the mental approach the ego tends to fuel.
It is also a powerful tool to bring the feminine energy of unconditional love down into the second chakra for a more spiritual approach to love expression.
This works for both men and women.
All lovemaking and expression can be taken to a higher spiritual level.
It is a great tool for enhancing creativity and supporting one’s expression of individuality.
Morganite EO 3-7mm 19inch
- Regular price
- $833.95
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $833.95
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- Sold out
Morganite EO 4-7.5mm 16.5inch
- Regular price
- $729.85
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $729.85
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- per
- Availability
- Sold out
Morganite EO 4-7mm 17inch
- Regular price
- $738.75
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $738.75
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- Availability
- Sold out
Morganite EO 5.5-7.5mm 17inch
- Regular price
- $1,023.50
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $1,023.50
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- Availability
- Sold out
Morganite EO 5.5-8mm 16.5inch
- Regular price
- $982.70
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $982.70
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- per
- Availability
- Sold out
Morganite EO 6-8.5mm 18inch
- Regular price
- $1,094.00
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $1,094.00
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- Availability
- Sold out