This session is a combination of a personal healing attunement
and a planetary/collective healing/meditation
We are now taking sign ups for
any possible sessions we do until June 2025
We have no set schedule -
we will do if V is well enough on Sunday mornings
(Embracing spontaneity and being in the moment 😊)
Description of the session will be sent AFTER
the session was done latest.
We are going to try to send the description and foundational grid set up prior to the session so those who tune in and get a visual.
This will come in the form of a newsletter email.
Scroll down for further info and sign up instructions
We offer a free remote (long distance) personal attunement and global healing/meditation sessions based on our guidance.
The sessions helps to conduct more love and light to the planet and all its inhabitants which include all the kingdoms of Gaia / the earth also known as Terra Christa. The Earth / Gaia itself is an ensouled living being even though many think she is “just” made of rocks, minerals, water and other liquids inside of her and on the surface.
Those who join are a crucial part and every one in their own way and with their own talents enhances in our joined efforts the needed energies to be of help. Your offered energies give all a chance to go deeper/higher and help the beings on the planet accept, if they so wish, the new levels.
... ✨♥️🕯️🪧😄✨...
Love light peace and happiness ❣️

More info on how the healing will work...
The healing session will be about one hour. It will all be done with the highest intent and in harmony with all participants. It doesn't matter where you are - what country you are in - or what you are doing. You can go through your "normal" routine - sleep, work, play, etc and fully receive the benefits.
Our healing sessions work with the Healing Flames as we are guided. The Healing Flames are the most powerful healing frequencies available in the 5th Dimension and beyond. The flames transmute energies which are no longer serving or hindering the realization of our true, authentic selves and being.
The different healing flames target a certain aspect of our being for a more focused intent on our evolution. The Healing Flames that we primarily work with are the Violet Flame, Green Violet flame, Blue Violet Flame, Pink Violet Flame, Three fold Flame and the Flame of Christ Consciousness.
Scroll down for a more detailed explanation of the healing meditation itself.
How to sign up
Simply email us at
listing the names of yourself and those that wish to participate.
The purpose of the list is to include people you are actively/personally in connection with. Please use first names only and avoid general terms like family, favorite places. etc. We will invoke a general blessing for the entire planet and all its inhabitants.
A little a review of how this healing will work.
The first thing I would like to explain is the timing. The session and the session space are set in "no time". Time is a concept that is applied to our planet and is seen as linear. With energy and working with the higher self, higher realms, etheric fields and bodies, etc. time does not necessarily exist. This is why it doesn't really matter that the group is spread across the planet within many different times zones. The healing itself is being administered in the "no time" zone and will be conveyed to the individual participant when it best suits. Often people ask when will the session be done so they can tune in during it but the same applies. You can tune in at any time of your choosing and you will sense and feel the session. (We physically do the session at approximately 9:30 am Arizona time - which does not follow daylight savings)
V, Miriam & I will be doing a specialized session together as a team, on each of you and as a group whole. The healing isn't limited to the session time - it is ongoing based on the individual - from one day to weeks. The healing space is one of non-judgment and safety whose focus is on personal transformation and self realization. Whatever each individual needs for their healing will be provided for in the space and since we all share the space we create a commonality - an anchoring of the Oneness.
At the beginning of the session we will call you in via your energetic field/higher self. I then confirm I "see" that you are present and we will begin the session after we have connected with each participant.
We approach the session as if you are here with us in our healing space. We have the tools we need all ready and purified for the greatest potency. We also set a field in our space for the group healing - an optimal safe space to experience whatever needs to be experience for the healing and also to invite all our guardians, guides, angels and other higher energies into the healing space. It is a combination of using both physical tools and actual motion with movements along with energetic work. For instance, we use a physical set of the selected gems but energetically set them on each one of the participants' chakras. It may sound a bit far out there - but it works.
It should also be noted that all the “work” that is done is for your highest good. You are always in a field of protection and nothing that isn’t for your highest good will occur. We are working directly with your higher self via your energy body and all is done with your higher self consent. Even though it is a group healing we work with you individually too - taking into account all the personal needs and honoring that none of us are the same nor require the same approach or healing.

Do you have pets or animals you take care of?
They too can be added to our healing list as the sessions help the frequencies of all the planet's kingdoms.
I love these attunements.....Ty you Loving peeps ...God bless you for everything that you do..
Hello lovely people,
Thank you again for your healing sessions. When I started with them couple months ago, I had no idea how much it will help on my journey. I would like to continue as what you do provide immense benefits.
Thank you ❤️
Paula, Miriam & Virendra, I have noticed these sessions have lasting effect beyond the session time. Gratitude to you for all you do on our behalf.
I absolutely love your free sessions!! Thank you!
...these healing sessions are pure MAGIC...those grids are so incredible......thank you🙏❤
It always happens at the
"right time", when my life seems to be sliding around and gently nudges me back on course. I am always left with a sense of calming and nurturing love. Thanks again and again. Love always
Thank you guys again so much for doing this, and for all that you do to help us all heal and find our way. I suspect the process I'm now going through was tougher in years past, for the many who came before myself, who did not have so many wonderful people like yourself who came before and laid down some beautiful groundwork. For all that work, each and every day of it, I am forever grateful.
Thank you, thank you. Your healing sessions are brilliant xx
Dear Tools Team,
Thank You for the collective clearings you regularly do.
Your Lightwork is appreciated worldwide.
The Andarian beings I recieved via your services are very active, which is a blessing.
Sending you much Light back, Love and divine Harmony.
Thank you again. The work you do is wonderful and much appreciated.
Thank you so much for doing these amazing sessions. They are such a blessing on all levels of my being during these shifting times.
Much Love
Thank you for all you are doing to offer attunement for individuals and the planet,
and to build the energy for peace--I do appreciate all of this!
May Peace and Harmony prevail.
Blessings to all of you at T4t
You are amazing! Love you guys!
We are very grateful for your generous gift of these sessions.
These lovely sessions always leave me feeling uplifted and more connected to my Divinity.
Thank You so much beautiful souls, I felt the healing very deeply & lifted me out of despair Much Love & Grattitude to You all for all Your love healing & support 🤗😘😍❤️🙏🏼
Thank you all for these healings. I have for years tried to come to an understanding of my emotional reactivity, or lack thereof. It has been a journey with very little help from western medicine, except in extreme circumstances. I have as many others searched through acupuncture, Ayurveda, essential oils, gemstones to chip away at the elephant in my room - trauma in childhood and into adulthood. My latest venture into Homeopathy has yielded more results than all of the others, although one never knows what ground work any of these disciplines provided. Even with Homeopathy (a subject that I have tried off and on for years) I had mixed success until I came across a book by Philip M. Bailey called Homeopathic Psychology. It is amazing. I don’t read psychology as it seems so clinical and academic, but this book has blown my mind.
It is your sessions that gave me the space and courage to delve into this healing mode. More so I sometimes get an energetic kick up the backside as I did this Sunday at 10.30am (Pacific Time). It moved energy round my body rebalancing from brain to my bottom at an astonishing speed. Without your help I would not have got anywhere.
I will tune in more to your generous offerings.
What a journey!!!
Warmest wishes and thanks
Thank you ! Your healings have helped me stay the course through some very difficult periods the last 2 years.
Thanks! I felt a breakthrough in our healing from Covid yesterday. We were at day 22 of fighting it. Something was removed. The energies in our house and around us changed to lighter. We felt stronger afterwards, are feeling even stronger today.
Thank you for your loving gift. We are so grateful for all you do for the planet! Many blessings to all of you at Tools4Transformation. 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
Dear Sia - Thank you from our hearts for your loving healing sessions. We always feel the energies heal and enrich our lives on the day of the healing and going forward. Such a generous gift to all. Blessings to everyone who participated in the healing. With love and gratitude
Thank you very much for the Violet Flame session.
I felt the energy strong already two days before Sunday. In the morning on Friday I got much strong physical healing and the same happened on Saturday morning. On Saturday evening the energy had increased even more.
On Sunday (yesterday) in the afternoon the energy was so high that I have never felt anything like this before. It lasted one hour. I have had beautiful high healings before, but never so high as this one felt. I am very thankful for being a participant during this session.
I already look forward to the next session.
Much Love and Light to you Sia, V and Miriam
Wow I have been through a lot with everything. The upside has been the healing ceremonies that you have conducted have allowed me to go through all this with some grace and a calmness that is still mind-boggling to me.You said that the andara's have changed your lives. Well, being a participant in your online community ceremonies have changed mine.
My husband (Andy) and I have noticed feeling more energetic thanks to your healing sessions. He also reported vivid dreams of an odd nature... i.e. singing along with a famous 50’s jazz musician! He said it was like traveling back in time :)
I have also felt as though my sleep has been better quality sleep with less interruption. My sensitivity to surroundings, people, animals and situations in general has also felt heightened. Little things have moved me deeply over the past two days, but there is still a lightness of heart and less concern about the concerns that are affecting most of us during these epic times.
I am grateful to each of you, as is my husband, for the Love shown and your willingness to make a difference. The grid you created for the healings is beautiful— just looking at it brings such a sense of peace and joy!
May the blessings you bring to others be returned to you tenfold.💜