Collection: Pietersite Therapeutic Necklaces

Pietersite is an exceptional gem offering many traits of help and healing that is in alignment to current times and humanity's needs.
Finding good quality beads in rich hues is often a challenge but we were lucky and found material which meets our criteria. This is a rare find!
Some of the benefits of Pietersite
- Pietersite can inspire change in a positive way because it stimulates transformation
and inner sight.
- Pietersite can protect you against negative psychic attacks, as well as attacks
of the physical and emotional kind.
- Its healing energies can make you let go of thoughts, beliefs, fears
and worries that cause you pain and sorrow.
-Pietersite has a strong spiritual vibration, and connects you to a place deep within
you - where your own internal guidance system is located.
- It helps you to recognise the truth or falsehood of other people's words.
-It is very centering and helps to ground your spiritual self and your inner guidance
system - helping one to live in alignment and flow of the Divine
-Pietersite supports you on all levels to lead an authentic life
- It helps to release connections/issues formed in past lives allowing
to be completely in the present moment
-Pietersite is especially helpful to healers, transforming power issues in order to
provide potent, pure and high vibrational healing.
-Physically Pietersite stimulates and strengthens the endocrine glands, such as the
pituitary gland, pancreas, testes, ovaries, adrenal glands, and thyroid glands.
- It helps regulate your metabolism and aids in proper absorption of nutrients.
- Pietersite also can assist you to soothe and stimulate your nervous system
by supporting the nerves and brain.
-Pietersite also provides a natural EMF shield

The Guardian of Pietersite explains...
Pietersite is a beginning tool to understanding the mysteries of the world. This gem is very much connected to the Earth but provides a bigger picture of all and connects to the common ground of all life. The insight this gem brings tends to begin the questioning process that pulls back the veil of illusion.
Pietersite also promotes contemplation of the subconscious. The subconscious stores the patterns or triggers of one's reactions/responses and exploring this area brings a furthered conscious understanding of the self.
On a physical level, Pietersite assists and regulates the glands (Endocrine system). It helps with the blood circulation and increases one's energy level. It is also helpful with discomfort associated from varicose veins. It energies travel strongly through the legs to the feet chakras promoting a better flow.
When used in meditation Pietersite can be a great tool to expand the experience. It offers a connection to the Earth plane while allowing a lightness to explore. This can be of great support for those beginning to meditate and to experience multi-dimensionality through it. It eliminates any fear that as one explores further they won't be able to come back, which makes the whole journey more relaxed increasing the chances of understanding the "mystery" of one's true state of being.
Pietersite is a stone with swirling color bands of red, blue, rusty red,
gold and brown which often show chatoyance (cat's eye effect).
Blue followed by red are the most rare to find.
We have arranged the beads in their predominant swirl color
but each bead has several colors contained within.
We have also listed the predominant color(s) of the strands in their
individual details in case having a certain color is of great importance
to you. The color basically indicates from which approach/chakra the
gem will work so be aware which attracts you as the is a great
indication that is the right one for you.
In addition to the Pietersite properties listed above,
the various colors have added benefits which we shared below.
Blues - relates to the third eye - clearing, repairing and opening it. It
helps to amplify one's psychic opening, channeling and connection to
spirit/Divine. It removes and cleanses blockages in the third eye and
crown area.
Reds - relates to the base chakra helping to heal and protect it. It
strengthens your life force energy and helps to remove and shield
negative forces. Gives motivation and optimism for your life purpose.
Golds - relates to the hara chakra (2nd) - cleansing, healing and
protecting it. It will help you more deeply align to your life's purpose
and show you the means to achieve it. Gives strong guidance on your
chosen path of life.
Browns - strengthens the connection tot he planet along with a deeper
connection to your own spiritual self. Helps to stay centered and
protects you from all sorts of negativity including others known as
"energy vampires". It also helps to heal the soul - body connection
bringing to life that we are spiritual beings in a physical body.
No two beads are alike - making each necklace a work of art like no
Pietersite EO++ 8+mm 25.5inch Blue/Red Undertone
- Regular price
- $150.90
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $150.90
- Unit price
- per
- Availability
- Sold out
Pietersite EO++ 8+mm 25inch Blue
- Regular price
- $154.90
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $154.90
- Unit price
- per
- Availability
- Sold out
Pietersite EO++ 10mm 25inch Red Undertone
- Regular price
- $200.50
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $200.50
- Unit price
- per
- Availability
- Sold out
Pietersite EO++ 10mm 26.5inch Golden
- Regular price
- $211.10
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $211.10
- Unit price
- per
- Availability
- Sold out
Pietersite EO++ 10mm 25.5inch Red
- Regular price
- $220.25
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $220.25
- Unit price
- per
- Availability
- Sold out