Making & Grading
Tools4transformation is your personal source for potent tools for transformation - be it for health, meditation, expanded consciousness - whatever your goal.
The Tools4transformation difference…
We are a home based business that crafts and creates your necklaces from start to finish. We do not employee buyers, graders, stringers, advertisers, shippers, etc but rather do all these steps and more ourselves.
We hand select out material, going through 100s of strands, finding the beads which suit our taste for high quality and vibration. Once we have a group of hand selected beads we then divide them into groups by similar grading and vibrational emanation - allowing for potent tools to be created.
Your necklaces are then crafted with care when the energy is most optimal. It is not created as part of some one’s work but rather crafted by some one who loves and appreciates the gems, their potent powers and endless possibilities for healing.
Once we have a grouping of necklaces available we add them to our website and share the news in our newsletter - all created and maintained by ourselves. Once an order is placed, we carefully pack and send out asap using recycled boxes and packing as much as possible.
The Tools4transformation difference is the personal care given to the entire process of finding or crafting hi vibrational tools for you to use and enjoy for many years to come.
not good for you. Gemstone sellers and necklace creators are not always aware of the therapeutic aspect of the gems. We here at Tools have been working with gems extensively and hand pick every bead for its therapeutic value. We utilize
microscopic evaluations and other authenticity evaluations. In addition we feel the vibration which emanates and are able to see how it effects the bodies and systems.
We can, without a doubt, say that all that we offer is highly Therapeutic as it is us - from start to finish - selecting rough material or beads, grading, creating harmonious combinations with the result of hi vibrational Therapeutic Necklaces.

N - nice
VN - very nice
E - Exceptional
EO - Extraordinary
EO+ - Extraordinary Plus
EO++ - Extraordinary Plus Plus
(one of the highest energetic impact/ most times even crackless)
EO++ Extreme - Extraordinary Plus Plus Extreme
(super high energetic impact - nearly the rarest ever)
EO++ Beyond - Beyond Extraordinary Plus Plus - Rarest ever
In between we have sometimes + (plus) gradings which shows that it's higher than
the given grade but not yet the next higher. Slight quality differences of the strands
within the same grading are reflected in the price.
We sits with every necklace to insure it's therapeutic value.
SPHERE - ball
ROUNDEL - tire, donut
LENTIL ROUNDEL - sharper edged roundel
OVAL - egg shape with tips cut off
CHIPS - irregular rounded shape
Most beads are hand made and free drilled so any imperfections are due to the
artisan's touch. When asking the Guardians about any of the off round or irregular
shapes to use, their reply has been: "Our focus is on the therapeutic value and emanation rather than the fine details of the shape".

In order to seal the thread to prevent unraveling we use flame to "melt" the thread
tips. When white thread is used - the "melting" is very easy to see. This in no way
inhibits the working but rather assures long use of your new therapeutic tool.
Our Necklaces are designed to bring a high vibrational and uplifting energy into all our Bodies and Systems on all levels. They work on all bodies holistically including the physical, supra-physical (the layer surrounding the body about 2 - 3 inches), emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Sometimes there are "buttons" (energy blockages) within us and they get pushed through many different circumstances. These blockages manifest as shadows in our fields (auras). They hang in as clouds of lower vibration. These therapeutic necklaces bring in a higher vibration so that there is not much left for these low vibrating clouds to remain.If you wear a therapeutic necklace your aura and body will be continuously saturated with your chosen vibration. Even while asleep it is easy to keep the aura full while wearing the strand or keeping it next to you in the bed.
One of our goals is to provide necklaces in rounded shapes which work the best with living organisms. All necklaces go through an energetic and physical
cleaning and are made with love and blessings.
Working of a necklace...
The Beads (whatever rounded shape ) emanate their energy into one's Auric Field and through it's high vibration lower frequencies are being released and erased.
What we call negativity is a lower vibration on what ever level . Either it appears in the physical as sickness /not well being or in the emotional (unbalanced, depression ) or mental (confusion, lack of clarity ) aspect of a “ Human Being “.
One can see the human brain just like a computer which works according to the way it is programmed. It all depends on how one was brought up through parents, teachers and society. All leave a conditioning with us and our lives are molded according to the belief systems resulting out of these conditionings. There are reactions to circumstances and habits which result in dislike/judgment. Those can be changed through conscious work, attention and awareness. To heighten these attributes one can use gemstone necklaces as a tool. They bring in an energy to help erase those unwanted conditionings and set new values to the outlook towards life and spirit. The vibration of the gem matrix itself, the color and the sound which is emanated from the gem are working to erase slowly but
surly unwanted behaviors and patterns - stored energies.
Rounded shapes work holistic in comparison to cut stones which work on certain aspects only. To heal, one needs to look at every aspect of the being. All are interconnected. If one remains not clear on one level, the issue comes back sooner or later. The energy of a rounded shaped gem “rolls” through the auric field gathering information from the different bodies and brings it back to the great computer the Brain. With this clear information coming in, new evaluation can be done and old patterns can be changed.
You can look at a Therapeutic Gemstone necklace like a computer chip, a new program. When you insert this disc into your drive, the new program will be installed and/or updated. The old program will be deleted or overwritten. It’s just not as fast as it happens in a “real” computer. To develop programs in your systems, years were needed. If now the conscious need came up to change the programs, it will also take some time until it is completed.
Once the new frequency has over written the old program, reactions/responses will be different to any given situation - mental, emotional and physical.