The Aulterra Neutralizer
After experiencing the Aulterra Neutralizer we decided to offer it on our website.
We personally are very pleased with it’s effects. Our Computers do not feel energetically “hot” anymore and it is much more fun to work on them. Our TV is enclosed within a field of harmonizing energies as well as lots of other appliances in our house.
Proven permanent EMF protection
Perfect for Cell Phones, Televisions/portable, PC Computers, Notebooks, MP3 players,
Multi Media Players, Microwaves, Fridges and any other electrical device.
Easy to use, simply stick it on and you're protected
The Aulterra Neutralizer
After experiencing the Aulterra Neutralizer we decided to offer it on our website.
We personally are very pleased with it’s effects. Our Computers do not feel energetically “hot” anymore and it is much more fun to work on them. Our TV is enclosed within a field of harmonizing energies as well as lots of other appliances in our house.
Proven permanent EMF protection
Perfect for Cell Phones, Televisions/portable, PC Computers, Notebooks, MP3 players,
Multi Media Players, Microwaves, Fridges and any other electrical device.
Easy to use, simply stick it on and you're protected

The Neutralizer™ Structure
The Neutralizer™ manufacturing
process inserts two
micro-thin layers of fine ground
activated rare earth elements to
produce the thinnest, least
obtrusive neutralizer possible.
- Protective Coating
- Neutralizer Apex
- Micro-thin Layers of Activated
Rare Earth Elements
- Bonding Agent
- Pressure-sensitive Backing
The Neutralizer™ manufacturing
process inserts two
micro-thin layers of fine ground
activated rare earth elements to
produce the thinnest, least
obtrusive neutralizer possible.
- Protective Coating
- Neutralizer Apex
- Micro-thin Layers of Activated
Rare Earth Elements
- Bonding Agent
- Pressure-sensitive Backing
It is the ability of unnatural man-created radiation to distort natural human energy
patterns that causes artificial EMF radiation to be hazardous
and may cause cancer and present a serious danger to human health.
The Aulterra Neutralizer™ provides excellent protection from cell phone radiation
as well as other EMF emitting devices such as microwave ovens, computers and TV sets.
The research done by an independent research laboratory shows conclusively
that the cell phone neutralizer will render the chaotic, man-made radiation
from cell phones harmless.
For more info including questions & answers scroll down
We offer only the simplest packaging reflecting the lowest price available.
These are version 1 of the original Aulterra Neutralizers
Available in 5 packs for just $25 - that's just $5/sticker
What is the EMF Neutralizer™?
The Aulterra Neutralizer™ - is a scientific breakthrough on the market that has proven to be 100% effective in eliminating the harmful effects of Electro Magnetic and Radio Frequency (EMF/RF) radiation on human DNA, emitted by cell phones and other electronic devices .
Aulterra International is a environmental research and development company protecting the general public against the harmful effects of Electro Magnetic and Radio Frequency radiation. The company has invested significant resources over the last 3 years to create a health care product which has been proven, through in- vitro human DNA studies, to be 100% effective in eliminating the harmful effects of Electro Magnetic and Radio Frequency (EMF/RF) radiation on human DNA.
Man-made EMFs have a chaotic energy and different frequency than natural EMFs and can disrupt or distort organic energy patterns. It is precisely this ability to distort human energy patterns that causes artificial EMFs to be hazardous. Human-made EMFs may cause grave dangers to human health. The natural coherent fields from the proprietary Aulterra rock crystals, successfully harmonize the incoherent EMFs and return them to
coherent and natural frequencies.
The Neutralizer™ is a unique, homeopathically activated combination of natural paramagnetic and diamagnetic earth elements that neutralize the effects of man-made EMF/RF exposure on human DNA and living tissue. Aulterra is an organic compound derived from a rare crystalline rock found in only two known sites in the world. Tests conducted on the rock powder in 1995 concluded that this unique substance reacted with the earth's magnetic fields and neutralized radiation. These finely ground minerals and trace elements are derived
from and discovered in Utah by the Inventor Kim Dandurand. He identified its amazing properties while
working on a major environmental cleanup operation whereby the substance was deployed to neutralize the
chemical radiation from landfill sites. Further research and field studies proved the substance to be effective
neutralizing harmful EMFs.
Studies Prove Cell Phone Radiation Causes Damage to DNA
The latest studies confirm what the cellular phone corporations do not want you to know. Even casual use of a
cellular phone can damage the DNA in sensitive areas of your brain. A landmark study conducted by Dr. Henry
Lai of the University of Washington showed that even at low levels, exposure to electromagnetic fields and
radio frequencies (EMFs/RFs) caused DNA damage to brain cells of rats resulting in loss of short and long-term
memory and slower learning. Further he noted: "DNA damages in cells could have an important implication on
health because they are cumulative."
A study done at Penn State University concluded that EMF exposure produced no effect for the "first few
minutes, . . . then a cascade of microbial destruction occurs." The levels at which damage occurs have been
shown to be as low as .024-.0024 W/kg--much lower levels than what any cellular phone emits! Even using an
earpiece will not keep you out of danger from EMF exposure. Earpieces act almost like "conduits" to funnel as
much as three times the harmful radiation to your brain.
NEWS: Extensive Cell Phone Use Linked To Brain Tumors, Swedish Study
Public Health News - Article Date: 01 Apr 2006 - 14:00pm (PDT) Written by: Christian Nordqvist Editor:
Medical News Today
According to a Swedish study, if you spend many years using your cell phone for at least an hour a day your
risk of developing a brain tumor is 240% higher than a person who never uses one. The results of this study go
against another recent one carried out in the UK and published in January, 2006, which indicated that cell
phone use is safe for humans. The researchers found that even the location of the tumor, for extensive cell
phone users over many years, tends to be on the side of the head where the phone is used.
You can read about this study in the International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. The
scientists examined cell phone use among 905 people who had a malignant brain tumor and compared them to
a control group of 905 healthy people. All the volunteers were aged 20-80. 85 of the 905 people who had a
malignant tumor were high users of cell phones - they started using mobile phones a long time ago, and have
used them a great deal, on average for about an hour a day. According to Kjell Mild, study leader, in an
interview with the Reuters news agency, the best way to reduce the risk is to use hands-free. The team's
definition of a extensive use means over 2,000 hours of cell phone use, spread over many years.
How does the Neutralizer™ Work?
The Neutralizer™ is simple and easy to use - just peel off the adhesive strip and attach the paper-thin
Neutralizer product to the back of your cell phone or any other electronic device...that's it! There is no
complicated installation procedure with the EMF Neutralizer. The proprietary manufacturing process inserts
two micro-thin layers of finely ground activated rare earth elements to produce the thinnest, least obtrusive
neutralizer ever designed. The sticker combines a large surface area with benefit of durability and minimum
interference or obtrusiveness.
The adhesive backed disc will stick to almost any surface and provide you with constant protection for as long
as it remains on the device. Just apply it to any relatively flat, smooth surface on your cellular phone, or other
device and you are protected. There is never a need to replace the product EVER - as it neither “absorbs” nor
“blocks” cell phone radiation so it will continue to protect you throughout the life of your phone. If you change
phones, just peel off and re-stick to your new phone.
Unlike other EMF blocking devices, the Neutralizer™ will not interfere with the transmission, function or
reception of your calls. Your phone will still be the convenient communications tool you want it to be-- just no
longer dangerous to your DNA and your health. The Neutralizer™ is effective against harmful EMF/RF radiation
with any style of cellular phone or electronic device. Any antenna style- Any brand or model, new or old style.
Digital, analog or dual mode phones, DVD players, DVR's, Stereos, CD players, BoomBox, or Automobile. New
models as well as older styles .
Noted DNA researcher Dr.Glen Rein of the Quantum Biology Research Labs in Northport, New York,
concluded in an unassailable study that: “EM fields from cell phones were shown to have a statistically
significant detrimental effect on the recovery of DNA after heat shock; this detrimental effect of EM energy
was completely neutralized when the Aulterra Neutralizer™ was attached to the back of the cell phone. There
was 100% recovery of the DNA as if no cell phone was present.”
Dr. Rein's study and other laboratory studies by Dr. Hamilton and Dr. Syldona, conclude that the Neutralizer
transforms “incoherent”, harmful EMF/RF energy into a completely natural, “coherent” form when attached to
the back of a cell phone or any electronic device.
Questions and Answers
How can a sticker prevent radiation from a mobile phone?
It does not prevent the radiation!
The Neutralizer neither blocks the radiation nor absorbs it. Anything that would block 100% of the EMF of a
device such as a mobile phone/computer etc. would affect its performance. Those tools would simply not work
anymore because their “engine” could not function. The Neutralizer will also not absorb the radiation. If it did,
it would be necessary to cleanse or exchange the sticker after it absorbed radiation to its fullest capacity.
The Neutralizer will have to - and does - balance, neutralize the radiation.
So how does it work then?
The Aulterra Neutralizer retunes the EMF frequencies of electronic devices like mobile phones, computers etc.
to assimilate natural frequencies so they no longer cause harm to the body's DNA. The secret of the Neutralizer
lies in the homeopathically enhanced or crystalline matrix mixed into the ink of the Neutralizer patch. These
finely ground minerals and trace elements are derived from a rock discovered in Utah by the Neutralizer's
inventor. He identified its amazing properties while engaged in a major environmental cleanup operation in
1996 in which it was deployed to neutralize the chemical radiation from landfill sites. About this time, he
became concerned by the fact that his own children appeared to suffer from more frequently reoccurring
minor illnesses, which he suspected might be linked to their increased use of mobile phones and computers. He
decided to set about investigating whether the crystalline rock substance could be used to neutralize electronic
equipment as well as landfill sites.
Kim Dandurand funded a research and development program at the Quantum Biology Research Laboratories in
Northport, New York. Experiments proved that human DNA reacted adversely to incoherent man made
electromagnetic fields emanating from a cell phone while recovering from heat shock. Measurements were
taken of the time it took for the DNA to recover from heat shock exposure to the EMF emitted by mobile
phones. Tests on human DNA proved that with an Aulterra Neutralizer attached to a mobile phone it
neutralized the effect of the EMF on the human DNA when exposed and allowed 100% recovery from "heat
shock". This discovery was extraordinarily significant. The natural coherent fields from the Aulterra rock
crystals had successfully harmonized the incoherent EMF frequencies from the mobile phone and returned them
to coherent and natural frequencies, which no longer caused adverse reaction to living tissue.
A co-researcher of Kim Dandurand, Dr. David Hamilton, comments, "The body is no stranger to
electromagnetic fields because the earth itself has one. Even the heart responds to it. When you have
electromagnetic fields, which occur naturally, which are coherent, the radiation looks like a smooth black line in
a wave pattern. But when the electromagnetic frequencies are manmade they are fuzzy or incoherent. When
the Neutralizer is applied to the phone it evens out the lines, turning it from incoherent into coherent."
Why is the Neutralizer designed as a sticker and not some stick-on plastic molding?
A lot of thought went into how the concept of a neutralizing device should be implemented. From a marketing
point of view, it was tempting to take the obvious route of producing a stick on plastic molding for consumer
value perception. However, early experiments with prototypes showed that such designs did not last long on
mobile phones that have quite a rough life, particularly in the hands of children. As this group represents the
highest potential concern, since their thinner skulls allow them to absorb more EMF than adults (up to 50% of
the brain), it was particularly important to produce a product that was durable and practical for them.
Of all the designs tested, a flat sticker proved to be the most practical and effective. Because the crystalline
rock particles are mixed in with the ink, the sticker combines a large surface area with the benefit of the
minimum of interference with the handling and use of the phone.
Most significantly of all, the design allows you to attach the sticker inside the mobile phone by removing the
battery and sticking it against the phone body. The significance of this is that you can then swap batteries and
still remain protected.
How long will the Neutralizer last?
For the reasons already mentioned, i.e. because the Neutralizer does not attempt to block or absorb radiation,
and therefore does not become saturated, it will last indefinitely. Obviously placing it inside the phone - on top
of the battery -, where it will not get damaged, will prolong its life.
Does the Neutralizer work on other electronic equipment?
Yes it does. It is very effective on computers, TV’s, handheld electronic devices and similar equipment. Simply
place the sticker anywhere on the equipment, such as the front of your computer/laptop monitor -
recommended a couple diagonal on the screen frame - . Several US Corporations are considering equipping the
company cell phones and computer monitors with the Aulterra Neutralizer as a matter of standard practice.
Over 350,000 Neutralizers were purchased in the USA in October 2001.
Neutralizer Cell Phone Installation
While the Neutralizer itself will theoretically last forever, it is subject to wear and tear. Therefore to preserve
the life of you Neutralizer, it is best to install it where it is not subject to constant handling. Also, if it can be
easily removed from an old cell phone intact, it can be installed on a new cell phone. So the best place to install
it is on the inside cover of the battery compartment. DO NOT remove the pressure-sensitive backing. Instead
put a small strip of two-sided Scotch Tape on the back which will make it easily removable when you want to
transfer it to a new cell phone.
Other EMF/RF Radiation Emitting Devices
Although the neutralizer was originally designed for cell phones, it has been found that it also works on other
electrical devices such as Microwave ovens, Televisions, computers, etc. The installation for such devices is
much the same as installing on the cell phone - Install in a "limited-wear" location on the device; don't remove
the pressure sensitive backing; put a small strip of two-sided Scotch Tape on the back so you can move it if you