Rhadha and Krishna, known as the divine couple and creation of balance,
they represent divinity manifested in the physical from love.
Rhadha and Krishna bring pure examples of love, dissolving the illusion of love.
Love is in the union of our souls and the bond created through this connection.
This love is in all of us and flows outwards when we look into our self-love.
With this self-love, we can begin to love others.
Their energy combined doesn't only show us the meaning of love, but it shows us that we all have a connection to the divine masculine and feminine that is waiting to be in unison like they became in the divine.
This essence can improve the connection between all forms of relationships and would be beneficial before therapy for heart opening on new levels.
3-5 times a day 7 drops (under the tongue) or
2 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) for healing purposes
and/or 12 drops (under the tongue) or
3 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) before meditation
For Liquids & Sprays:
Give as much time as possible after intake to sit or stand
with closed eyes to feel consciously their vibration unfold
Additional Uses for all liquids and sprays:
Apply directly to pulse points
Apply to acupressure and/or chakra points
Add to massage oils
Add to oil burners
Add to an atomizer or atomizer to add to the air
Add to paint or pottery or other art elements
to infuse the vibration within