Green Kyanite Therapeutic Necklace
16 inch with 14kt gold lock
99.2ct @ $5.75/ct
Actual necklace shown in photos
only one available
Green Kyanite is a gem which focuses on the heart, heart chakra and surrounding area - the center of the being. It helps to connect with our one true guide - the heart - as we move through our journey of life. Through the connection of the heart we can radiate out and connect with the world around us and the earth itself with greater ease filled with Oneness.
Green Kyanite provides a soothing, supportive energy which helps to just go with the flow of your energy and that of the universe. Stress, anxiety, panic, fears fall to the background or are released with continued use, as new levels of connected-ness are reached. It restores the innocence and open-ness so greatly needed to anchor higher frequencies and new ways of being. It formulates a strong foundation for heart based or heart centered living.
Green Kyanite strengthens relationships - not just with others but within ourselves. Each of us has a masculine and feminine aspect which often struggles to find its balance. Green Kyanite harmonizes all the aspects within providing support for new levels of peace, acceptance, and compassion.
Green Kyanite helps to harmonize all the bodies and systems to gently reach new levels of well being. It gives an overall support to the immune system and can help ease physical discomforts especially those brought on by cleanses, fasts or even injuries and accidents..
Green Kyanite also brings an unique energy to the nervous system as a whole, helping those who find challenges in coping with the outside, the world , the times we are in or being on the planet. It bridges the gaps between currently reality and perceived future allowing for greater acceptance and releasing resistance.
Green Kyanite provides protection and creates a feeling of safety allowing one to really be and stay open to all. It restores the sense of trust and knowing we were born with and cultivates new levels of unconditional love.
How to keep your necklace clean
Our preferred method of cleansing for the necklaces is using the Purple Positive Energy Plate. This plate not only cleanses but enlivens the gems to their optimal functioning.
More importantly - it is easy. You place the gems on the plate overnight and you have a newly energized necklace - ready to bring the utmost benefit to you. There is no concern of which gem can tolerate sunlight, which one can be in the water and which one can survive salt. All gems can be placed on the plate and be cleansed.
We offer Purple positive Energy Plates in two sizes -small 4.5" x 2.75"
large 12" x 12"
We also offer a cleaning kit which includes a small purple plate and a cleaning brush.