Moss Agate Therapeutic Necklace
Extraordinary Plus Plus
27" endless/no lock
55.72g @ $2.00/g
Actual necklace shown in photos
only one available
Moss Agate is a translucent to white Chalcedony with rich green moss-like inclusions. It is not banded so not strictly an Agate in scientific terms - but is included in the Agate family
Some of the benefits of Moss Agate
- Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings and helps to inspire new ideals, optimism and renewal after periods of stagnation, depression or challenging times
- It stimulates a good self image and strengthens the positive traits one already has
- Moss Agate releases deep seated fear and stress
- It helps to expand one's personal space to grow, learn and be more authentic
- Moss Agate soothes volatile tempers and promotes patience, wholeness, and inner calm
- It is very helpful for those who have strong mood swings, are addicted to emotional drama in their lives or to stabilize emotional body
- Moss Agate helps to overcome negative thinking and behaviors that are holding you back from experiencing life to its fullest
- It helps resolve karmic issues and connections along with past life issues, patterns and programs which need resolution
- Moss Agate helps to support the body giving strength, endurance and will power
- It's energies aid in mental concentration feeling stable, solid and centered
- Moss Agate helps relieve chemical imbalances especially in the brain and aids in recovery from stopping prescription medicines and overcoming addictions
- It promotes communication, self expression and a stronger sense and relationship with oneself
The guardian of Moss Agate explains...
Moss Agate focuses its energies primarily on the emotional aspects which have
manifested on the physical level creating disharmony. This gems energy enters one's system like thick water bringing a soothing rejuvenation throughout easing the
emotional wounds on the physical. (It has been asked to give specific examples of this) One of the first places emotional disorder occurs on the physical is in the digestive system. Another place it occurs is the breathing system. One will even go so far as to create an illness - such as a cold or flu - to escape and have "down time" to heal. Moss Agate offers healing of all of these through targeting the cause - emotional imbalance.
Moss Agate offers an instant connection to plants and further to nature. It stirs one's "primordial soup" within and gives insight to the origins of the physical being. It's a great gem for those who are out of touch with nature and out of tune with their own being.
Moss Agate also allows one to delve into the depths of one's subconscious. The subconscious is a storage place of not only memories but denied, unexpressed, unresolved emotions that often hinder one to transform. Moss Agate provides a comfortable atmosphere to explore this storage, resolve any issues (like rejection, abandonment, etc.) and move forward. As a result one feels and experiences a new sense of peace, connectedness and rejuvenation
How to keep your necklace clean
Our preferred method of cleansing for the necklaces is using the Purple Positive Energy Plate. This plate not only cleanses but enlivens the gems to their optimal functioning.
More importantly - it is easy. You place the gems on the plate overnight and you have a newly energized necklace - ready to bring the utmost benefit to you. There is no concern of which gem can tolerate sunlight, which one can be in the water and which one can survive salt. All gems can be placed on the plate and be cleansed.
We offer Purple positive Energy Plates in two sizes -
small 4.5" x 2.75"
large 12" x 12"
We also offer a cleaning kit which includes a small purple plate and a cleaning brush.