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Seraphinite - Tools4transformation

Seraphinite Essence

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Seraphinite Liquid Gem /Vibrational Essence
Seraphinite Properties 
The Guardian of Seraphinite explains...
Seraphinite brings the energies from a higher plane of existence, easily into one’s field and systems. These energies initiate strong physical vibrational changes, quickly transforming “lower” or “negative” energies into positive. 
The overall effect is uplifting and is experienced as an increase in energy and lightness & joy in the being.
This quick transformation of energy can also be experienced as a protective shield. Any energies that are disruptive to the wearer/user will be transformed into energy which will beneficial making it an ideal gem to wear for protection in the workplace or during events with many energies/vibrations/thought forms from a variety of people. It helps to maintain one’s “center” and not to be easily swayed into other’s belief systems or directions of thought.
Seraphinite targets the heart chakra, in particular, clearing and aligning it while expanding its capacity. This aspect is greatly needed for humanity currently. Many have closed down their heart chakra or created many layers of “protection” inhibiting its function. Seraphinite penetrates the geometric form of the heart chakra and in this way, its effect is slightly different than others.
The heart charka’s form can become much different as man takes the next evolutionary step of living based in the 
heart and having all thoughts and actions being Divinely inspired.
This gem supports this “meta form” building and structure support.
On the mental level, Seraphinite increases awareness accelerates transformation.
In particular, old patterns/tendencies can be seen, acknowledged and altered (if needed), thoughts are clarified strengthening one’s conviction in decisions and actions and enhances meditation-initiating deeper states and more openness to the variety of planes of existence and beings.
This gem can be a helpful tool to communicate with personal guides, the higher self, angels, etc.
As the awareness level is increased, one’s sensitivity is naturally increased opening channels and bringing intuitive abilities to the forefront. Seraphinite, especially in its darker form, can assist one to delve and explore through the subconscious. Every action one initiates is generally a result of patterning or influence from the subconscious. Unexamined, one can totally function from this influence and never reach the full potential of the being. Seraphinite allows one to comfortably examine the subconscious giving the opportunity to see what is in alignment to the true essence or nature of one’s self and let go of the rest. Through this, the state of being is elevated and one’s radiation is pure truth with no underlying agenda or motivation and in harmony with the heart.
On the physical, Seraphinite is a great support gem for initiating positive changes.
As the awareness and sensitivity is increased, one becomes more in tune with the best choices to improve and maintain the physical vehicle. When using this gem, the effects of the choices made will be stronger and make it more difficult to suppress or ignore poor choices. For example, when selecting food to eat, whole food flavors are enhanced while “junk food” will taste not so good and may even create discomfort or sickness. Another example can be seen with exercise- one will experience faster the benefits resulting from it like more energy, strength, endurance than what would be experienced without the gem.
Continuing with the physical effects, Seraphinite accelerates things on the physical level, creating a purifying energy benefiting detoxification and elimination. It strongly works of clearing out blockages and build-ups however they manifest, promoting a healthy state. This in turn affects the organs, optimizing their functions, supporting them to run at their best.

Liquid gems are available in several sizes including refill bottles
select from the pull down menu your desired bottle type and size

3-5 times a day 7 drops (under the tongue) or
2 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) for healing purposes
and/or 12 drops (under the tongue) or
3 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) before meditation

For Liquids & Sprays:
Give as much time as possible after intake to sit or stand
with closed eyes to feel consciously their vibration unfold

Additional Uses for all liquids and sprays:
Apply directly to pulse points
Apply to acupressure and/or chakra points
Add to massage oils
Add to oil burners
Add to an atomizer or atomizer to add to the air
Add to paint or pottery or other art elements
to infuse the vibration within